David Keeter is the owner/operator of Emerald Coast Water Filters.
David Keeter is the owner/operator of Emerald Coast Water Filters. David started his career as an irrigation technician in the great state of Texas where he supervised crews in a union operated Landscaping and Irrigation Company. After three years David moved to Florida with his family to open up a new irrigation division with a reputable landscape maintenance company. With this new endeavor David moved his way up through the ranks and created an irrigation and landscape division within the company that was second to none. As part of this endeavor a new opportunity presented itself with water filtration. David worked with several entities and helped develop a rust filtration system for high flow, high iron content commercial irrigations systems. After many years of development he started his own company strictly for water filtration systems. David adds to his years of experience several certifications in irrigation design, Rain Bird maxi com systems, Toro Sentinel control systems and advanced training in all aspects of water filtration systems. In addition to irrigation filtration, with his service above self-mentality, David has installed and maintained a water purification system for a Christian school in Milot, Haiti. David offers a wide variety of skill sets and knowledge to be able to provide a complete package for all your water filtration and irrigation/landscaping needs.
Keywords: Water Systems, water filtration, water analysis